There Are the Gauchos!They’re Back!By
On May 19, 2009, I posted one of the saddest blog posts of my life, “Where Are the Gauchos?” Due to the bankruptcy of Mother’s Cookies and Kellogg buying them up without making Peanut Butter Gauchos, I was looking at a bleak future without my favorite packaged cookies.
I’ve loved them since I was a kid. To me, they beat out Oreos and especially Nutter Butters. Don’t get me wrong. Both of these cookies are really good. I still delight to dunking an Oreo in milk and letting it get all smushy. I love to dunk a Nutter Butter too, but nothing is quite so wonderful squished between my tongue and my palate as a soggy Gaucho.So, the other day I was at a grocery store with a client. He disappeared down an aisle. When I went back to look for him, he had two packages of Gauchos in his cart. I rushed down the cookie aisle and found them there. They were even on sale! The package says, “They’re Back!” I am happy again.
It’s not the best timing, since I’ve vowed to lose some more weight and get serious about my food intake again. I could down a whole package in one sitting. I love them that much. Now I have to figure out how to enjoy them without going on binges. Oh happy day!