My work, my ideas, my faith, my life

Bonneville Dam

In March of 2007, I took clients to visit Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River between the states of Oregon and Washington. I took some photographs and videos of the dam, visitors center, power house, and locks. I put them together into this little film. We were fortunate that day that the locks were being […]

Sugar-Free Choices

I was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. The nutrionist said I could have the occasional sugary soda as long as I count it as a carbohyhdrate exchange and not exceed my carbohydrate allowance. Well, that doesn’t help much if you go to a a fast food place with friends or to a theatre to […]

Weight For Me

It seems to run in my family on my mother’s side that children begin life small and very thin. All of my cousins on that side of my family and all of my aunts–my mother’s sisters–were so thin as children and adolescents that people thought they were undernourished. It is also a trait of these […]

Software Engineer

In 1980, I was working at a warehouse job. I went out to the dock to receive a case of cash register tape. I was standing on the dock and a truck driver was handing it up to me from the ground level. I felt a twinge in my back, but continued working the rest […]

Social Worker

I’ve always had an affinity for people and the things they deal with. My mother thought of me as mature beyond my years, and it’s probably true. I still was a child when I needed to be, but I’ve had a sense of social justice and tolerance that would have made for a good social […]